Sunday, September 7, 2008

All Cartoons Are Not Created Equal...

Friday night is movie night. We usually rent a flick to start off the weekend, especially during the school year. So before I picked up the boys from school I went to a Redbox to get something. Nothing really is out. Then my eye caught sight of the Batman Gotham Knight Movie. I thought "huh- this might be ok, Luke will watch it and probably Jared too." Luke being five has different movie interests than Jared and I wanted to glue all to the T.V.(Isaac is hypnotized by any flashing on the screen so therefore is not a concern when trying to please)
So I rented it and shortly thereafter added one more thing( besides wanting to glue my children to the T.V.) to my growing list of: "How I am a Horrible Mother." Seven minutes or so into it I sat down and looked over at Luke who had his eyes covering his hands. I looked at the screen and noticed how violently the criminals were being beat up and the I heard a D*** and literally in the 2.3 seconds I first looked at Luke and heard the D word turn into Son of a B..... We had it turned off! I took the DVD out of the machine and looked at the rating; PG13. How did I miss that? I am so good at checking ratings, etc. Now, that is not to say that my kids have never seen anything PG 13. We are a house of Star Wars Jedi's and Pirates that raid the Carribean. That being said-- I have chosen just what their little eyes have seen and heard, {sigh} including now. Moral of the story- I am an idiot and check all ratings even innocent looking cartoons, you might be surprised...


The Lutz Family said...

That is crazy, I wouldn't have even thought about checking the rating. But Suz, you would be the last person ever to be considered a horrible Mom. You are one of the best I have ever known. Candi

Angela said...

What the heck?! A PG-13 Batman cartoon?
Don't feel bad at all. We should feel bad for not brushing our 2 year old's teeth (I feel terrible) but don't feel bad for assuming a Batman cartoon won't have violence and language. You are an awesome mom. A bad mom, doesn't turn it off or even notice when the bad stuff comes on.