Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What do you think?

So, if you had a chance to listen to the lecture below, it raises a few questions. Jed and I were discussing several things tonight. Mainly, the purpose of our brains and how little we really know and that not everything can or will be explained scientifically like Jill was trying . So are our brains the connection between our bodies and our "souls" or "spirits"? How much power do we really have? How much can we control? And how much are we responsible for controlling? What do you think?


Anonymous said...

I thought it was an interesting video. There is a book called "The diving bell and the butterfly" which is about an editor of a magazine that had a stroke and wrote a book about the experience. My sis told me it was a very good read.

suz said...

it is a good quick read- he is basically a prisoner in his own body. i would like to read it in french. i found it thought provoking and sad at the same time. the book was written by him speaking one letter at a time by using an eye blink system! amazing!