Sunday, May 18, 2008

Trip to the E.R...

We started out the weekend with a bang...(literally). Luke was playing with some friends and his brothers in the woods by our place Friday afternoon and tripped on a log, falling on another log. He cut his eye in three places: on his lower lash line, underneath his eye and on the upper lid of his eye. We made another trip to the E.R. . In the last year, all of the boys now have sliced themselves open in the eye area and needed to go to the E. R. The funny thing about it is that out of all of the boys who would you think would be the most difficult/dramatic about it? Luke! But, that was not the case. Maybe it is because he is so comfortable in the E.R, we go often and visit Jed, maybe it is because he is so used to being hurt. For what ever reason, he was by far the calmest and bravest of the three. It was almost like he was in his glory sitting back at the nurse's station telling everyone all about how it happened. At one point, he actually turned to me and said, " It's o.k. Mama, you can go now, the doctors will watch me." What a crack up. Mind you, he said this with a mouth full of Swedish Fish (given to him by one of the nurses) one hand clutching a stuffed zebra and the other holding a blood soaked ice pack. What a trooper. Now he is talking about being a doctor. He is convinced that he won't need to go to school, and I quote:" Papa, can just teach me all that stuff and by then, I'll now all my letters!" You gotta love him!


kirsten said...

Poor Luke! But what a groovy looking war-wound! Those eye wounds must be tricky - guess you can't just douse 'em with super-glue...

Your ER experiences actually sound fun! Our ER experiences always remind me of the hospital Drew and I toured in rural Costa Rica (not pretty)...and they always seem dissapointed when we don't have a sucking chest wound. But that's the good ole' military!

Jenni said...

Well, I have to say that I am very sorry that Luke got hurt! I also have to say thanks for sharing the story because it seriously made me laugh!

Anonymous said...

What a little cutie!! I wonder if Jed will teach us all to be Doctor's if that is all it takes? Out of the mouth of babes!!

Charity said...

The ER is NEVER fun when you are a patient...hope the rest of your week is uneventful!