Wednesday, October 22, 2008

We Are Alive....

Yes, we are alive. It took weeks for our internet and land line to be hooked up. Has anyone seen the Brian Regan bit about the phone company? It perfectly sums that up. We are living in a box free zone and somewhat adjusting to our new surroundings. The kids are having fun living closer to cousins and we even had a visit from cousins in Colorado. The last 48 hrs have given me the "opportunity" to experience a parent/teacher/principal conference and a raging fever, sore throat and hacking cough so I will fill in all the details later...


Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! I've missed you!!! I hope you are feeling better. Congrats on the "Box free" Zone!!!!

kirsten said...

happy to have you surface again - sounds like chaos! hope everything gels nicely for you soon --
