Thursday, June 12, 2008

E.R Round 2

Isaac decided yesterday that he would cut his own bagel. In the split second he decided this and my back was turned to put a different bagel in the toaster-he sliced his finger instead. Good Morning! 7 stitches later..... we headed for swimming lessons.(Isaac excluded)He did great and I'm sure it helped that Jed was the one doing the stitching. I wonder how many trips to the ER it will take before they just start deducting it from Jed's paycheck?
The boys started swimming lessons last week and it has been fun for them. I still can't get over the fact that the lessons are outdoors. It must be the Alaskan in me. Claire has been a bit upset that she is not participating. Especially since there is a mommy/tot class that she can see. I've tried to explain to her that paying for public humiliation(me in a swim suit) 4 times a week is just plain wrong. Adding to this fact that a lot of the days have been in the 60's and 70's which is too cold for babies. Someday she will understand....


Unknown said...

Well obviously lottery likes you...hehehe...You guys and your stiches. Hopefully your boys will slow down but I'm not betting on it. Good luck for the next 14 years...

Anonymous said...

OUCH! Poor Isaac, that looks so painful. Candi

Charity said...

Makes my finger hurt every time I look at it, although it's like a bad car wreck...I can't seem to look away!

Better luck tomorrow eh?