Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Creative Round-Up #8

#1- We have a Mother's Day card submitted by Dani.........................
#2- So I forgot that Luke and I went on a date last week and made this craft at a local scrapbook store together. A cute idea and time well spent with my little guy...it uses a juice can, patterned paper, craft sticks and your ideas for activities...#3- Kir sent me this idea that she found on rocksinmydryer they are canvas embellished with fabric and/or paper. (pictured first)The bird picture reminded me of a card that I made a few months ago that I posted yesterday. I would like to try this idea for Claire's future room. An Eiffel tower or something "frenchie". Maybe signs over her kitchen saying "Paris Cafe" or something.....just brainstorming!They were originally found at Pottery Barn Kids- so how can I go wrong?


kirsten said...

what would you use as an adhesive? and would you put anything (like mod podge, but better) as a fixitive or something?

i have these canvases i was going to paint butterflies and flowers on for the little girls room, but i'm thinking that doing it collage style would be cool. i just don't want them falling apart in 5 minutes...

suz said...

modpodge works great, i've found.i would use it over the top to seal it to the canvas. regular adhesive to stick it to the canvas...if that makes sense.

suz said...

oh- i forgot. i used spray adhesive to stick patterned paper to canvas this past christmas it worked great and is still holding strong!

suz said...

modpodge works great, i've found.i would use it over the top to seal it to the canvas. regular adhesive to stick it to the canvas...if that makes sense.