Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It's All About Birthdays...

What is it about little ones and birthdays? At church on Sunday every time we sang a hymn, Claire broke out in; "Happy Birthday to you...." her own dialect of course. It was hilarious except during the Sacrament. Now she has taken to randomly breaking out in song and it is always the birthday song. I tried to get her to sing with a Jared in there since his birthday in coming up in January. But she insists that it is always "Seff eee." (meaning Stephanie) It is too funny!


kirsten said...

dude, they are so in sync! dagny was singing happy birthday in sacrament meeting sunday too! unfortunately her refrain goes "happy birthday to you poopy-head ha ha ha"

Liz said...

My girls don't sing during church, they dance...Up on the bench, in the aisle, they have a really hard time just sitting while music is playing...don't worry Claire will do that next.