Saturday, June 14, 2008


Yesterday was a wonderful day for our family. Jed was home and we spent the day just "being". Most of this time was spent at a local park with a duck pond. Family friends of ours met us there later in the afternoon. The Kenningtons are friends of ours from Alaska. Lee is in the Army and was stationed there years ago, where we were in the same church ward together.They had two little girls the same ages as Jared and Isaac at the time. They transfered to Hawaii in 2001 and we have not seen them since. Lee is currently deployed and Angie came to Utah to visit family and we were finally able to connect yesterday after over 7 years. This is a photo of Angie and I at the park yesterday.
Front Runner Review made an interesting statement; "The best way to ensure your memory lives on is through the people you touch." I think this is so true. It took a year before Angie and I even really spoke to each other. I was in Primary and she was the Primary secretary . One day when I was walking through the halls during classtime after a trip to the bathroom I overheard the Primary President really chewing out someone around the corner from where I was walking. As I rounded the corner, I saw that the poor soul being yelled at was Angie. I was so shocked that this lady could treat anyone that way and so openly ridicule someone like that. Of course I just kept walking. But all day long I couldn't stop thinking about poor Angela. I didn't know her at all but no one deserves to be treated like that, I kept thinking. After coming home from church, I couldn't get the thought out of my head that I needed to call her. Call her? I don't even know if she knows who I am? ! Later that evening I finally gave in. It was so out of character for me and I was mortified! What would I say? It was none of my business! Well, I made the phone call and we have been friends ever since. I know that the Lord brought us together through another woman's ridiculous expectations and I am so grateful. We needed each other. Angie saved me from myself after Isaac was born. She rekindled my interest in scrapbooking and talked me out of the mom overall uniform I long needed to give up. She touched my life in a way that will be remembered in our family stories, just as Front Runner Review was explaining.
Isn't it wonderful how with true friends- even when you haven't seen each other in years or even spoken in years you can pick up right where you left off? I felt this in April with Kir and was reminded again yesterday of this feeling. It is more evidence to me of the amazing nature of our souls or spirits and how when our bodies and/or our minds cannot recall things our spirits kick in to make up the difference. I am so grateful for friendship and those of you out there that have touched me and forever made an impression on my soul. Thanks...

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