Saturday, April 5, 2008

Weekend Update

OK, so I think I've figured out all the bugs...knock on wood. I wanted to update my blog with a new fresh, spring/summer look. I didn't plan on it being such a pain in the butt. Credits go out to my friend Rhonda at SoCo Creative at Etsy and Eli for tech support. Now that I'm done obsessing about that I can focus on other things...
So, I have a small confession. This week has been going good with the whole "Buy Nothing" challenge. I have to admit that on Friday I went to the store and fell off the band wagon a tiny bit. I bought myself a Diet Pepsi and a package of fudge striped cookies for the boys. So here is my justification: Jared had a rough week and was having a friend over for the afternoon....So, #1 If I was going to have charge over one more child, I needed some caffeine in my system.#2 We didn't have any good treats in the house and I didn't have time to bake and I wanted to give Jared a boost and let him pick out something special. There you have it. I can justify anything. It is a gift. I suspect it is genetic, but will save that rationale for another day. I will say that I have done quite well in all other respects. I have eliminated things I've thought we "needed" and saved a few bucks here and there along the way. Today, I made cinnamon rolls from scratch. I haven't done that for years. I have made Rhodes rolls a "necessity" for conference weekend. And with the challenge decided I could just make them, after all I do have all the ingredients at home. The boys had a blast and they were super delicious. Go figure. So if anything, it has been a good reminder and eye-opener of needs vs. wants and more money in the bank is always good. It has made me think of all the little things that really are "not a big deal" but do add up in the end. I have found the best defense is just to not go anywhere = no temptation! Maybe that's cheating, but hey, it works. Thanks to Charity, my support for the week! Although Jed has not said much I know he is secretly impressed.
I realized this evening that everyone in our household has been healthy now for almost 2 weeks! It is an amazing feat after such a rough winter. Little Claire is back up to a hefty 16lbs5oz and her cheeks show it. I am sad to report that all the weight that she lost, I found and then some. (sigh) One thing at a time right?


Angela said...

Are you flipping kidding me!? How did you find me!? I am shocked and amazed and how happy! I thought I would never hear from you again!! Your children are so beautiful! I can't wait to hear more from you!!

Brad and Emma Leavitt said...

Yea Suz, Brad and I have sorta been doing this for a month. We have really curbed our spending. And I am happy to say we actually have a nice savings in both acocunts! Doesn't it feel good, once it is there it gets hard to spend it. And I think it is good. I love you guys tell the kids Hello!!!!!